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Painting and Decorating Glossary

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Abatement - Involves either removal of the painted surface, covering the painted surface with an impermeable surface, or covering surface with heavy-duty coating (encapsulant).

Abrasive - Substance used for wearing away a surface by rubbing.

Acrylic - a synthetic resin used in latex coating.

Adhesion - The strength of a paint or sealant to remain attached to a surface.

Aerosol - A product that uses compressed gas to spray the coating from its container. Historical Note: Aerosol paint products have not contained chlorofluorocarbons-CFCs-since 197.

Air Cure - One method by which liquid coatings cure to a dry film. Oxygen from the air enters the film and cross-links the resin molecules. Also called "Air Dry" and "Oxidizing."

Alkalai - A basic, or caustic, chemical substance. Found in fresh cement, concrete, plaster and certain household cleaning products.

Alkyd - Synthetic resin modified with oil. Coating that contains alkyd resins in the binder.

Amide - A functional group which can act as an epoxy resin curing agent.

Anti-Corrosive Paint - A paint that resists rust and corrosion when applied to metal.

Anti-fouling Paint - Paints formulated especially for boat decks and hulls, docks and other below-water-line surfaces and structures to prevent the growth of barnacles and other organisms on ships' bottoms.

Binder - Solid ingredients in a coating that hold the pigment particles in suspension and attach them to the substrate. Consists of resins (e.g., oils, alkyd, latex). The nature and amount of binder determine many of the paint's performance properties--washability, toughness, adhesion, color retention, etc.

Bleaching - The loss of color in a paint, often caused by exposure to sunlight.

Bleeding - when one substance runs into another, often caused when a material bleeds from the substrate into the applied material.

Blistering - The formation of bubbles on the paint surface.

Body - The thickness or viscosity of a fluid.

Boiled Oil - Linseed (sometimes soya) oil that was formerly heated for faster drying. Today, chemical agents are added to speed up the drying process.

Boxing - The mixing together of different types of paint to ensure a uniform consistency.

Bristle - the "hairs" on a brush, either natural (hair) or artificial (nylon or polyester).

Burnishing - Shiny areas on a painted surface achieved by rubbing or washing the surface.

Butadiene - A gas which is chemically combined with styrene to create a resin used in latex binders, styrene-butadiene.

Catalyst - Substance whose presence increases the rate of a chemical reaction, e.g., acid catalyst added to an epoxy resin system to accelerate drying time.

Caulking - a semi or slow drying plastic material used to seal joints or fill crevices around windows, chimneys, trim, joints, etc

Chalking - The formation of a powdery substance on a painted surface.

Checking - A checkerboard pattern that forms on top layer of a paint.

Chroma - A measurement of color. The degree of saturation of a hue. A color at its full intensity has maximum chroma.

Clear Coating - A transparent protective and/or decorative film; generally the final coat of sealer applied to automotive finishes.

Coalescent Aid - The small amount of solvent contained in latex coatings. Not a true solvent since it does not actually dissolve the latex resins, the coalescent aid helps the latex resins flow together, aiding in film formation.

Coating - A paint, varnish, lacquer or other finish used to create a protective and/or decorative layer. Generally used to refer to paints and coatings applied in an industrial setting as part of the original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) process.

Cohesion - A bonding together of a single substance to itself. Internal adhesion.


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